In 1948, the State of Israel opened her doors to Jewish people of the world and passed the Law of Return, Aliyah took on a formal / legal meaning, thereby, “to make Aliyah” means to move to Israel and become an Israeli citizen.

Making Aliyah involves much preparation, consultation and planning. As with most big decisions it is important to have a support team to help you along the way. Having the correct information and to consult with experts in the field will help.

Obtaining an Apostille on your documents can be confusing and time consuming. We help take the stress out of the Apostille process.
We have an extensive network of agencies, attorneys, real estate professionals, bankers, mortgage lenders and currency transfer companies that we consult with. It is even likely we have worked with many of the trusted professionals that you are consulting with.

With satellite offices in Illinois, New York, Florida, California and Washington DC, and representatives all over the country, we are able to assist with mobile notary service if needed and prompt safe and secure service.

Documents that may be required:
• Birth Certificates (for all applicants)
• Personal Status documentation – Marriage, Divorce or Death certificates
• Name Change documents
• Adoption papers
• Criminal background checks or FBI Background Reports
• Split Aliyah declarations (first needs to be notarized)

One company for all of your Apostille needs for making Aliyah.